Outdoor skills are critical to the success of the Scouting program, and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills will provide leaders with the basic outdoor skills information needed to start a program right.
This course is required training for Scoutmasters, assistant Scoutmasters, The skills taught are based on the outdoor skills found in The Scouts BSA Handbook.
The course is also ideal for Venturing leaders because it focuses on skills that build confidence and competence in leaders conducting outdoor camping experiences

Instructors will help you learn how to set up camp, cook, work with woods tools and about ropes, first aid, planning campfire programs, map reading and compass skills, hiking and packing techniques, nature identification, and Leave No Trace.
Each outdoor session will bring to life the pages of the Scouts BSA Handbook to help you deliver the promise of Scouting to yourself and the youth you serve. It will increase your comfort level and give you confidence as a trained, skilled leader. The program will also give you the opportunity to work with other Scout leaders from your area, meet new friends, and reinforce skill techniques with fellow unit leaders.