Outdoor Adventure Conference

The outdoors is BIG, we mean REALLY BIG! With all that space there is so much a pack or troop can do in the outdoors to make the adventure sizzle for every scout.

The Outdoor Adventure Conference is our effort at Fire Mountain to offer some dives into outdoor program opportunities beyond IOLS and BALOO.

When you went to Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) as a scoutmaster or Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) did you leave asking questions? Were you wondering things like “where do I learn MORE?” Well the FMOAC is the answer to that and more. This long weekend course is held in conjunction with a BALOO and IOLS Course so leaders in that course can jump right in to learn more while returning leaders can dive deeper into the outdoor adventures spent to Scouts.

While much of the material will be aimed at Scouts BSA troops there are classes for Cub Leaders as well on brining extra bang to the pack campouts and preparing their Webelos for a great crossover to a outdoor troop program.