
Twice the Fire Moutain, Twice the Fun!

What’s better than one week of Summer Camp?

A second week at a discounted price!

Scoutmasters!  The Mount Baker Council is thrilled to offer a fantastic opportunity for Scouts in your troop to attend a second week of Boy Scout Summer Camp at a significant savings. They will be able to earn merit badges, spend more time on the range, enjoy their favorite activity again, or participate in those activities they missed.  This is a great option for an SPL to enjoy all the program he missed while leading his own troop through their week at camp.

To ensure that Scouts who wish to experience the fun of Summer Camp twice have that opportunity, the Mount Baker Council is now offering a second week    at a discounted fee.  Scouts who have signed up and paid to attend a week at Fire Mountain Summer Camp are eligible to attend a second week at a fabulous price.

Take advantage of the second week rate of just $195.00 per Scout!!! 

Scouts wanting to attend a second week of camp should register through our provisional program.  The Provisional Camper registration form is available on our council website at https://mountbakerscouting.org/camping/forms/.      At the top of the form, please write “SECOND WEEK” and indicate which other week your troop is attending Fire Mountain Summer Camp.  If you have questions, please contact Stacey at the Everett Scout Service Center by calling 425-338-0380.

If your troop is attending late in the season and you have a Scout who would like to attend a second week prior to your troop’s reserved week, have them sign up through the provisional program and pay the full fee for the first week.  When they come to camp with the troop later in the season we will charge you the $195 second week discount rate.  

This program is only available for Scouts attending Fire Mountain Summer Camp during the summer of 2018.

We can’t wait to see you at Fire Mountain this year!

National Camping SchoolFire Mountain Scout Camp