Nomination Forms

There are many forms available in Scouting. Nomination forms for the many different awards are available on the National BSA Website. District-specific forms are generally found on each of the district’s own web pages.

Unit Leader Award of Merit

The unit committee chair completes the Unit Leader Award of Merit Nomination Form on behalf of the unit committee. For Boy Scout troops, Varsity Scout teams, and Venturer crews, the nomination must include endorsement by the senior patrol leader, team captain, or crew president, respectively.

District Award of Merit

The highest award that is given to a Scouter at the District level. The District Award of Merit is awarded by a District to volunteer and professional adults for service to youth in the District. A person may receive the District Award of Merit more than once from different districts but there are no provisions for wearing more than one.

Silver Beaver Award

The Silver Beaver Award is presented for distinguished service to young people within a BSA local council. More than 50,000 recognitions have been conferred to date. As with the Silver Antelope, a recipient must be a registered adult member of the BSA.