Opportunity Fund Membership Assistance

Through generous grants and contributions, the Mount Baker Council, Scouting America, can offer assistance to registered Scouting members so they may fully participate in the Scouting program.

Mount Baker Council Opportunity Fund Membership Assistance Program

Opportunity Fund applications must be made using the online form linked at the bottom of this page.

To be eligible, the applicant must meet the following guidelines to qualify for financial assistance for Scouting America Membership  and Council Activity Fees. Application for assistance (if needed) has to be submitted annually:

  • Currently registered within the Mount Baker Council prior to completing an application.


  • Completing a new member registration with the Mount Baker Council either by submitting a paper Scouting America application to the Council Service Center or registering online through BeaScout.org.
    • Note: Online membership registration through BeAScout.org requires payment in full. If approved for assistance, refunds from Opp Fund grants will be deposited into the unit’s account at the Service Center. Unit Leadership will need to follow-up with reimbursement to the family from those deposits.

In keeping with the philosophy of “earn your own way”, each Scouting member should help fund a portion of the fee annually. The council also reserves the right to consider the unit’s and applicant’s participation in council-administered fundraising programs as demonstrating a concerted effort to raise these funds. The family and unit are expected to contribute to the cost of the Scouting experience.  Scouting America Membership and Council Activity financial assistance is awarded based primarily on need.  The more information provided about the applicant’s particular need, the better.

The Opportunity Fund Membership Assistance application is available online via the Mount Baker Council website. Applicants may qualify for up to 90% of National Scouting America registration fees and up to 90% of the Council Activity Fee, and uniform parts, handbook, and Scout Life magazine. Unit dues are not covered by Opportunity Fund Membership Assistance awards.   Access the form using the red application button below, AFTER completing pages 3 and 4 of this worksheet.

  1. Apply online separately for each applicant needing assistance. All information requested on this WORKSHEET is needed when applying online.
  2. Assistance will be considered based on need and the applicant/unit support of the mission of the Mount Baker Council including participation in Council fundraising.
  3. All Opportunity Fund Membership Assistance applications submitted  will be considered based on the financial need of the Scout in relation to the other applications received and available funds.  
  4. Your request will be reviewed by council personnel. Opportunity Fund awards and information will be kept confidential.
  5. After review, the applicant’s family and Unit Leadership will be notified by email of the details of any award.
  6. The Membership Assistance award is to a specific individual and is not transferable to anyone else.
  7. Completeness of the information when applying online will help determine membership assistance allocations.
  8. There are no refunds on unused awards, uniforms, or uniform parts.

Questions? Please email [email protected] or speak to your District Staff

Step 1: The MBC Opportunity Fund Membership Assistance Application Process & Worksheet is available HERE.

Step 2: Once you have completed all the information on the worksheet, click the link below to enter your Membership Assistance Application.