Life to Eagle

This page provides information to those Scouts who are interested in pursuing Eagle Rank. Scouts who have reached Life are especially encouraged to review this information to better prepare themselves for successful completion of the requirements for Eagle.

Scouts should not wait until they are approaching their 18th birthday which ends the ability to apply for Eagle Scout if requirements have not been completed.

Scouts should “Be Prepared” and can start working on Eagle merit badge requirements prior to earning Life Rank as some merit badges and other requirements can take time to complete.

The Eagle project can also take an extended period of time to complete, often a minimum of 2 to 4 months but often much longer. The current version of the BSA Guide to Advancement, has more detailed information and can be downloaded from

Any Scout who has questions about the Eagle Scout Service Project and Eagle Rank Application are encouraged to ask questions of their Unit Leaders and/or District Scouters shown on this web page.

Tip One – Review all of the current requirements for Eagle Scout which can be found in ScoutBook or online at  A Scout should plan to ensure all the requirements are met prior to applying for Eagle, allowing sufficient time in their plan to complete all of the requirements before age 18.


Eagle Service Project

The Eagle Service Project is designed to be an opportunity for a Scout to show that they can satisfy Eagle Scout Requirement 5, complete a community service project that demonstrates their ability to learn, and meet the requirements as part of the Service Project for Eagle which include:

  • Planning
  • Development
  • And giving leadership

Project Coach

A Project Coach or Mentor from your unit is highly recommended to assist in review and provide guidance. A coach only provides support and does not write the Proposal, the Project Plan, or the Project Report. That is the responsibility of the Scout.


The Project

The first step to planning for your project is to download and review the current Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, which consists of the Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal, the Eagle Scout Service Project Plan, and the Eagle Scout Service Project Report. The most current version must be used and can be found on Do not use any other source.

Tip Two – Review the Workbook to ensure that all of the requirements are understood. Required Signatures, Approvals and any items identified by “Must” are required.


The Service Project Proposal

The next step is to complete the Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal. This can be completed on a computer using fillable pdf form that can also be downloaded and filled out, typewritten or by hand in ink. No pencils please! The writing must be legible. Simply provide answers to the questions asked. Remember to provide enough detail that anyone reading it will understand what the project is about and the steps without having to ask further questions.


See Eagle Scout Project Proposal Steps and Tips 

See: Eagle-Scout-Project-Proposal-Steps-and-Tips.pdf

Once your Proposal has been completed it must be approved by the Unit Leader, Unit Committee, Beneficiary and by the Council or District designated person. Work cannot be started on the Eagle Scout Service Project until those approvals have been completed.


Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising Application

If the plan is to have the Project supported by donations or fundraising of over $500 in value the Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising Application must be approved by the Beneficiary, the Unit Leader, and by the Council or District designated person. 

Donations refer to the donating of materials, supplies, tools, etc. If a donor discounts any item(s) purchased for a Project, the discount amount should be reported as part of the donation amount. This application is not necessary for contributions from the candidate, the candidate’s parents or relatives, unit or its chartered organization, unit’s parents or members, or the beneficiary.  Fundraising or seeking donations cannot begin until the Fundraising Application has been approved.


Eagle Scout Service Project Plan

Scouts are strongly encouraged to use this portion of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook. 

The Plan guides the Scout to lay out a complete overview and complete details of the project from start to finish to show that Requirement 5 has been met.   The Project Plan does not have to be approved but it should be reviewed by the Scout’s Project Coach and/or unit and be shared with the beneficiary for comment.  

A candidate is encouraged to supply a copy of any Project Plan to their Eagle Board of Review.   The beneficiary can require that a Scout complete a Project Plan and obtain approval of that plan by the beneficiary if they so desire.

Again. Simply provide answers to the questions asked. Remember to provide enough detail that anyone reading it will understand what the project is about, the steps and materials to be used and sufficient detail so that another person could finish your project if you were not able to.


Eagle Scout Service Project Report

Again, answer the questions posed by the Workbook providing sufficient detail to answer the reader’s questions. The Scout candidate finishes by signing the Report and obtaining signed approvals from the Beneficiary and Unit Leader.

Before and after photographs are encouraged as they often add to report content and understanding of the Project.


Submittal to Council for Review

It is suggested that you submit All of the completed Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook in a binder along with the Eagle Scout Rank Application Form and Letter of Ambition to ensure that all of the pages stay in a neat packet and are not lost. Plastic Sheet protectors are optional but can be used to protect the pages and keep any photographs in correct order.


Eagle Scout Rank Application

The completed and signed Eagle Scout Rank Application Form must be submitted to the Scout Office at the same time as the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook reports. The most current version must be used and can be found on

Dates entered into the application will be verified as part of the review process by the Scout Office. To avoid delay a check should be done of ScoutBook to ensure that all information there is up to date and that the dates in ScoutBook match what you have entered on the Rank Application Form.


Letter of Ambition

The Scout candidate is asked to provide a statement of their ambitions and life purpose and a listing of positions held in their religious institution, school, camp, community, or other organizations, during which they demonstrated leadership skills. Include honors and awards received during this service.


Eagle Letter of Reference

Scout Eagle candidates are encouraged to ask others to fill out a reference letter for review by the Eagle Board of Review members.

At least 3 reference letters should be requested. The Mount Baker Council has an Eagle Letter of Reference Fillable Form that can be used. These letters are not shared with the candidate.


Eagle Board of Review

Once the Scout Office has completed verification of the Rank Application information you will be referred for an Eagle Board of Review. Normally Boards of Review are conducted at least once a month at a District level. Candidates will be contacted via email to arrange for a date and time.

Eagle Rank is official once approved by National, about 3 to 6 weeks after the Board of Review. The Scout will be called via phone once it is approved by National and asked to pick up the certificate and other information at the Scout Office.


Eagle Proposal Review, Processing and Eagle Board of Review Contacts:

Note:  All contacts must follow the Youth Protection requirements for contacts via email, phone, social media and/or text with an inclusion or CC to a registered leader or parent.


Council Verification Processor: Colin Roach, (425) 338-0380 ext. 104

Salish Sea District:

Advancement Chair: Pam Hertenstein

Eagle Projects Proposal Review: Mike Lockwood

(Email Mr. Lockwood your Project Proposal or turn Proposal into the Everett Office)

Eagle Boards of Review Coordinator: Heath Thomson

(Scheduling is handled through the Everett Office)

Pilchuck District:

Advancement Chair: Eric Jorgensen

Eagle Projects Proposal Review: Chris Osborn

(Email either with Project Proposal or turn Proposal into the Everett Office)

Eagle Boards of Review Coordinator: Scott Drown

(Scheduling is handled through the Everett Office)

Pilchuck District currently conducts Eagle Boards of Review on the second Monday of each month. Virtual Boards can be conducted if needed.

North Cascades (Island County):

Advancement Chair: Gary Follstad

Eagle Project Proposal Review: Bob Taylor

Eagle Boards of Review Coordinator: Bob Taylor

North Cascades (Skagit County):

Advancement Chair: Larry Smallwood

Eagle Project Proposal Review: Larry Smallwood

Eagle Boards of Review Coordinator: Larry Smallwood

North Cascades (Whatcom County):

Advancement Chair: Mark Stone

Eagle Project Proposal Review: Mark Stone

Eagle Boards of Review Coordinator: Mark Stone