This year when our Cub Scouts attend Day Camp they will have brand new archery targets to hone the skills with.
In past years, the Day Camps had less than adequate archery targets. They were so bad that it was difficult for our Cub Scouts to even get an arrow to stick in. Thanks to the great advice from the Archery Department at Cabela’s and their generous donation the Day Camps will be right on target this summer.
When you check out at our local Cabela’s store they always ask if you would like to round up your bill for conservation. These funds are used to support many very worthwhile conservations groups across the country and locally, but there is also a portion of these funds that are used to fulfill grant requests by local organizations that help educate our youth in conservation and outdoor activities.
The Mount Baker Council Shooting Sports Committee applied for a grant to update our archery targets for Day Camp. Cabela’s Outdoor Fund generously awarded our council about $2,500 in targets and a 30 gun safe that will be used to safely store our guns at Fire Mountain The next time you are at Cabela’s please say thank you for their generous support of the Boy Scouts of America and their continued support of wildlife conservation.