Denise Lesniak
SR VP Membership
“More Scouts equal more fun,” is not a new phrase. You have probably heard that many times before. A den of seven (or more) Scouts brings lots of fun and energy to the program! With Join Nights and Join Nights Part 2 behind us, there is still time to build up your unit’s dens.
Here are two areas to focus on, when recruiting new Cub Scouts:
1. Bring them to you. This may be done by opening up your next Pack meeting to guests; or have your Scouts bring a friend to the next activity. You may even challenge each of your Scouts or dens to see who can bring the most friends to a meeting. This challenge may be for a specific meeting or may take place each month. Chart the numbers and offer a special prize to the Scout or den with the most guests. Anything special planned for holidays? Let others know about it. Ask your Chartered Organization if they can assist with promoting your event. Post pictures, Pack calendar, meeting location (with date/time) and contact information on bulletin boards where you meet. Just ask others to join. You will never know if youth and their families are interested in joining, if you don’t ask!
2. Be visible. What community events is your Pack involved with for the fall and holiday season? Any food drives planned. What about Harvest Festivals? Is your community hosting a tree lighting event? These are great places for your Pack to be seen. Whether your Pack is hosting a hot chocolate station, handing out event maps or helping with set up and clean up, people notice the uniform and our Scouts. Always have something to hand out with your units meeting and contact information. Small, business card size items are easy to carry and hand out for those asking questions.
Looking for ideas? Check out the Membership and Marketing hub at Here, you will find an assortment of resources readily available and a section titled “Fall/Spring Recruiting Ideas.” Also, visit Mount Baker Council’s Membership site at for more resources. This is where you will find the link to request flyers for promoting your Pack. In addition, there are many scouting groups on social media. It is easy to find one that fits your needs and they have many ideas to share.
Our Membership Committee’s 2019 Pack Challenges are still achievable! These continue through December 31, 2019. Check your current registration and see how close you are. You might be closer than you think.
7 UP CLUB – all Packs are challenged to have one Lion Den and one Tiger Den of 7 or more Scouts by December 31. This 7 UP Club will be invited to Fire Mountain for a FREE day of fun with a fishing frenzy, archery and more in late May!
DRIVE FOR 5! – All Family Scouting Packs are challenged to add 5 or more girls (from last year’s total) to their unit by December 31. All young ladies in the Pack will be invited to spend a FREE afternoon and evening campout with some of our local Scouts BSA Troops for girls, at Fire Mountain in late May!
Please contact your District’s Membership Chair or Field Staff if you have any questions or need assistance. And remember….More Scouts equal more fun!