As we have been hearing, “We are all in this together”, referring to the COVID-19 pandemic situation. As Scouting Alumni, we are in this together along with our Scouting families, no matter what our personal alumnus vintage might be, ranging from Neanderthal to Millennial.
The lives of our currently registered Scouting families have been significantly disrupted, if not completely turned upside down. This situation affects not only our youth, but the adults in their lives as well. Be sure to peruse the Council web site to see how we are keeping our Scouting families engaged with Scouting in order to provide them with important stability amid the frequent changes and uncertainties going on around them. There you will find terms such as “virtual campsite”, “virtual Scout meetings”, Facebook Live, and other new world terms, all methods which are being used to keep families Scouting while safely sequestered at home pending release per public health recommendations.
Even for those of us in the Neanderthal alumnus vintage, there is no need to feel intimidated by the digital techy terminology. Remember, Scouting provides a safe environment for learning new skills so go ahead and enjoy the website. Better yet, volunteer some of your time to help our families to “Scout On” through the pandemic and beyond. It might be now, or even after we emerge from this “social distancing” constraint that a unit could use an extra set of hands or simply the participation of an alumnus with Scouting experience and wisdom to help the unit “Scout On” toward normalcy.
Contact me and we can figure it out. Remember, we are in this together.
Yours in Scouting service,
Sue Rhodes