

Have you always been looking for a way to help out Scouting America (Boy Scouts of America), but you are not sure what you can do? Have some special talents, but you don’t know how to offer your service? Well, here we’re going to discuss the different ways that you can support the Scouts, to whatever level that you are able.

Volunteer Now!

To receive more information about volunteering in the Mount Baker Council, Scouting America, call 425-338-0380.

Troop Level


The Scoutmaster is the key part in the running of the unit. They guide the Senior Patrol Leader in running an effective youth program, as well as acts as a liaison between the Patrol Leader’s Council and the Troop Committee, supporting the PLC in the events that they want to accomplish. He or she also sets the example in everything they do, including uniform, actions, and behaviors.

Assistant Scoutmaster

The Assistant Scoutmaster’s main responsibility is to support and assist the Scoutmaster in the achievement of unit goals. Under the direction of the Scoutmaster, he or she helps the SPL with the troop, making sure that the youth succeed. They also set a good example in his or her actions and behaviors.

Troop Committee

This is the group of parent volunteers that puts the youth’s program into action. They provide logistical support, such as driving and so on, as well as guidance into the financial operations of the unit.

Parent Volunteer

The parent volunteer is the most critical piece to supporting the unit and the youth. The parents are the ones who give their time to attend campouts, drive scouts places, and support the unit in many other ways. Without the parent volunteers, the units and the scouts would not be as successful as they are now.

OA (Order of the Arrow)

The Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s National Honor Society, is creating an enhanced role in the unit. A new Troop leadership position, the Order of the Arrow Unit Representative, has been created to serve as the communication link between the chapter/lodge and the unit. An adult OA member is needed in each unit to serve as the Adviser to the Unit rep. Other adult OA members are always need to serve the OA program, especially in providing rides and other logistical support to help the youth to succeed.

Pack Level


Everything that the Cubmaster does is aimed at helping the individual Scout.

Qualifications: Is at least 21 years old and is registered as an adult leader of the BSA. Should be a leader who is able to communicate well with adults as well as Scouts. Should be able to delegate responsibilities and set a good example through behavior, attitude, and uniform. Preferably a member of the chartered organization.

Den Leader

Cub Scout den leaders work directly with Cub Scouts and their parents/guardians to execute the Cub Scouting program in the den.

Qualifications: Is at least 21 years old, and should be an experienced leader, but may be a parent or guardian of a boy or girl in the den. Recommended by the Cubmaster after consultation with the parents and guardians of the Cub Scouts involved, and approved by the pack committee and chartered organization. Registered as an adult leader of BSA.

Pack Committee

Every pack is under the supervision of a Pack Committee, which consists of at least three members (chair, secretary, and treasurer). By handling administrative and support tasks, the Pack Committee allows the Cubmaster, Den Leaders, and their assistants to focus on working directly with the Cub Scouts.

District Level

Unit Commissioner

Unit Commissioners work with the units to provide the link between the district and the unit, providing program support whenever necessary to help the unit.

District Commissioner

The District Commissioner works to run the Commissioner program on the district level. He or she liaisons between the district and the council, as well as support the unit commissioners in helping the units. He or she also insures that the knowledge that the units need is passed from the council to the unit.

District Chairman

District Chairman is the top volunteer in the district. They work with the District Commissioner and the District Executive to help the district achieve its goals as well as run a quality program.

District Roundtable Staff

As part of the roundtable staff, one of the goals is to produce a fun, interactive, and educational Roundtable each month for the support of the unit. Here, the leaders of all of the units in the district meet to receive new knowledge of new programs, get guidance on council fundraisers, such as Trail’s End Popcorn, and gain new enthusiasm for the Scouting program.

District Training Team

The District Training Team is designed to run training throughout the district, including University of Scouting, Basic Leader Training, Fast Start, and other training events as may come up throughout the year. They are also available to help the units run their training opportunities. This is a committed job, but also a very rewarding one.

District Advancement Team

One of the more important parts of the volunteer district positions, the District Advancement Team’s primary responsibility is the overseeing of the District Eagle Scout Boards, to insure that only those who are most deserving are awarded this high honor.


Once again, the Order of the Arrow has a key role on the district level. Each district in our council has a Chapter chartered to it, for support of district activities. Chapters offer leadership and training opportunities for Arrowmen, as well as support the units with Webelos Crossovers, Unit Elections, Camping Promotions Visits, and Tap Outs for units that request them. The OA also provides a tremendous amount of service to each district for their district camporee, in many cases running entire sections of the program including, but not limited to, campfires, tap outs, and events. Chapter meetings are often held the same time and place as district roundtables; contact a local chapter chief for more information.

Council Level

Support to the Camps

Each year, the Mount Baker Council Camps supports several thousand scouts and Scouters as they experience the adventure of Scout Camp. However, these camps could not occur without the help and support of many volunteers who spend countless hours at camp helping to maintain, enhance, and prepare camp each year. Contacting the ranger at either camp is an excellent way to get involved and to help make these experiences possible for the scouts of the council.


There are many council level committees that play a major role in the operation of the council. These include; Administration, Asset Evaluation, Budget, Camping, Endowment, Finance, Information Systems, Manpower, Marketing, Membership, Operations, Outreach, Program, Properties, Training, Unit Service and though not a committee, there is the Executive Board.

Special Event Committee

There are also “Special Event” council level committees too. Events such as Trail’s End Popcorn sales, The Council Auction, Cub Adventure Days, and Roundup don’t happen without a committee of dedicated Scouting volunteers such as yourself behind them. These events are just as important as everything else our council does, and always can use more help. If any of these sound interesting and you would like further information on how you can be of service, please contact the Council Office at (425) 338-0380.