
Sikhs Mox Lamonti Lodge has multiple committees that support the LEC in carrying out OA and lodge responsibilities. Interested in joining a committee or learning more? Please contact the Lodge at [email protected].

List of Committees

Service:  Responsible for coordinating all lodge service activities.  

OA Unit Representative:  Responsible for recruiting, training and communicating with OA unit representatives.  

Elections:  Responsible for coordinating all lodge unit election activities  

Ceremonies:  Responsible for presenting all lodge wide OA ceremonies.  

Elangomat:  Responsible for recruiting and training elangomats and coordinating elangomat activities during Ordeals.  

Ceremony Equipment:  Responsible for creating and maintaining all ceremonial equipment for the lodge.  

Ceremony Site:  Responsible for developing and maintaining the lodge ceremonial grounds.  

Auction:  Responsible for soliciting donations and planning and executing all lodge auctions.  

Merchandise:  Responsible for creating and selling all lodge merchandise.  

History:  Responsible for recording and preserving the lodge’s history.  

Planning:  Responsible for coordinating and executing the lodge program for lodge wide events.  

Cooking:  Responsible for purchasing and cooking food at lodge events.  

Octi‐Ink Newsletter:  Responsible for creating and distributing the lodge newsletter.  

Social Media:  Responsible for coordinating the usage of lodge social media platforms.  

Web Development:  Responsible for creating and maintaining the lodge website  

Ad Hoc Committees

These committees are formed and convene on an as-needed basis.

Vigil Honor Selection Committee

Founders Award Selection Committee

Alaska Conclave 2023 Planning Committee

National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) Contingent Committee

Camporee Planning Committee