
LEC 2025 Sikhs Mox Lamonti Lodge Executive Committee Members

Lodge Chief:  Kyle H. 

Lodge Adviser:  Sean Connell

Lodge Vice Chief of Cheerful Service:  Paul R.

Associate Adviser:  John Bee

Lodge Vice Chief of Inductions:  Jeremy L.

Associate Adviser:  Dan Detschman

Lodge Vice Chief of Programs:  Marcus M.

Associate Adviser:  Ben Eyman

Lodge Vice Chief of Administration: Teddy J.

Associate Adviser:  Seth Stone

Lodge Vice Chief of Communications:  James F.

Associate Adviser:  Steven Glenn

Vigil Chief:  Andrew D.

Associate Advisers:  Dan Detschman and Steven Glenn

Lushootseed Chapter Chief:  Wyatt M.

Chapter Adviser:  Ralph Jackson

Sikhs Klone-Chuck Chapter Chief:  Hayley S.

Chapter Adviser:  Darrell Moss

Tsele Chapter Chief:  JJ C. 

Chapter Adviser:  Kurt Nelson

Immediate Past Lodge Chief:  Mark W.

Council OA Staff Adviser:  Sven Gilkey

Lodge Executive Committee

The Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) is the governing body of the lodge. It makes decisions regarding lodge operations including setting lodge goals, developing programs, setting dues and fees, and preparing the lodge annual budget.

The LEC is composed of both voting and non-voting members:

Voting Members: Elected lodge officers (or lodge chief-approved proxy), Chapter Chiefs (or lodge chief-approved proxy), Immediate Past Lodge Chief (if under 21 years of age)

Non-Voting Members: Lodge committee chairs; Lodge, chapter, and committee advisers and associate advisers; Lodge OA Staff Adviser; Scout Executive

The Lodge “Key 3” include the Lodge Chief, Lodge Adviser, and OA Staff Adviser.

LEC Meetings

LEC meetings are open to all lodge members, and generally take place the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM Pacific Time (except July). These meetings take place at Fire Mountain Scout Camp (Administration Building) with a Zoom meeting option available for members unable to attend in person. The Lodge Chief may at their discretion call a special meeting of the LEC.

Lodge Officers

Lodge officers are elected annually by the youth members of the lodge. They plan and execute the lodge program for the year. All officers are under the age of 21 and are supported by an adult adviser.

Lodge Advisers

The Lodge is served by several adult volunteers who help guide the youth officers in fulfillment of their duties. The Lodge Adviser is appointed by the Scout Executive. Additional associate advisers are appointed by the Lodge Adviser with approval from the Scout Executive.

Lodge Rules

The Lodge Rules are available for review at this link: Sikhs Mox Lamonti Lodge Rules (May 2021 Updates).