Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to complete ALL of the available training?

No, you only need to complete the training that is required to earn the “Trained” patch for your registered position.  For most leaders that training consists of Youth Protection and Leader Specific training. In addition, Scoutmasters, Varsity Coaches and their assistants must also complete Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills.  We also encourage you to take advantage of the many opportunities offered for supplemental training. Supplemental training includes the University of Scouting, Wood Badge, and more. There are also many online courses available.

I’m a leader in two units and have different positions in each unit.  Do I need to be trained for both positions or just my primary position?

You must complete training for each of your registered positions.

Do I need to wait until recharter time to attend training?

Every youth deserves trained leadership.  Not only will getting trained as soon as possible help you in your Scouting job, it will also allow you to avoid the rush of getting trained at the end of the year.  Our training teams are volunteers, too.  Please respect their time and attend one of the many courses we have scheduled.

How are training records tracked?

The trainer submits course records to the council office.  These records are then entered into ScoutNET, which is the National BSA’s database.  Your training records will follow you if you change units (e.g. move from a Cub Scout pack to a Boy Scout troop) and even if you move to a different council if you submit a transfer application.  If you take training online, be sure to have your membership number handy as you’ll be asked to create an account which will track your online training.  Not sure what your membership number is?  Call the council office and ask.  You can track your online training through

Online training?  I didn’t know I could meet my training requirements online.

There are many courses available online; over time this number will grow.  Current courses include Youth Protection Training, Safety Afloat, Troop Committee Challenge and more!  Check out at for more information.

Please use Google Chrome for your online training at

My training record does not include training I took several years ago.  Does it count?  What happened and how do I fix it?

Yes, it counts!  Let your district training chair know which training you attended and he/she will be sure you get credit for the course. We have made the commitment to make Mount Baker Council’s training records accurate. But, if you took your training “years ago”, how much do you really remember?  BSA policies, particularly in the area of youth protection, continue to evolve.  While your old courses are technically valid, why not take the opportunity to update your training?  It’s a small time commitment compared to the total number of hours you volunteer.

We have difficulty recruiting for some roles in our unit.  Requiring training seems like it would make this more difficult.

Training is an excellent tool and should be included as an element of your recruiting pitch.  Who wouldn’t want to be provided with all the available tools to perform their job?  Also consider that some training is available online and can be taken on their schedule.  Lastly, those positions with high training requirements also require a high level of commitment.  If attending training is too much of a burden, perhaps you might reconsider your choice to fill that role.

We want to register a new volunteer, but he/she won’t be able to get trained before we recharter.  Should I hold off submitting the registration until after we re-charter?

No, it’s important that you submit new adult registrations immediately.  Remember, BSA conducts a background check on every volunteer in order to protect our youth.  This can only be accomplished after the registration application is submitted.  Also, the volunteer won’t receive mailings of Scouting magazine or the Mountain Echo unless he/she is registered.  The council commissioner can grant an extension or waiver as part of this policy.

A Scout from our troop has recently graduated and is away at college.  He is registered as an assistant Scoutmaster and it’s not practical for him to go through the entire Scoutmaster training.

We understand the importance of maintaining registration in a unit.  All Assistant Scoutmasters, 18 to 22 who are away at college, will be granted a waiver.  They still need to complete Youth Protection Training to maintain their registration. keep those young men and women who are away at college registered with Scouting!  Talk to your district commissioner to find out more information.

I’m an Eagle Scout.  Do I have to take Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills?

Yes.  Outdoor Leader Skills provides an adult perspective to interaction with youth and additional focus on health and safety issues.  A new 18-year-old assistant Scoutmaster (ASM) suddenly has additional responsibilities that he’s never had as a youth member.  While the new ASM may think he has the “nuts and bolts of Scoutcraft” down pat, and probably does, this course is a good refresher with teaching and guidance in mind.

I just signed up as a den leader!  I’m excited about attending training next month.  Do I have to wait until my training is completed before my den meets?

No. The good news is that den leader training is available online and can be completed at your convenience. It is offered in small modules so that you don’t have to spend a lot of time all at once. It is also broken into three phases: Before the First Meeting; First 30 Days; and Position Trained. We recommend you try to complete the Before the First Meeting phase right away. Ask your committee chairman and Cubmaster to help you with the first few meeting plans.  Ask your committee chairman and Cubmaster to help you with the first few meeting plans.

Our troop has one parent from every family register as a member of the committee.  How do I get them to attend training?

We don’t recommend registering adults just for the sake of registering parents.  If someone is registered as a member of the committee they have responsibilities to the unit (and have voting privileges) and they need to complete the required training for both Youth Protection and Troop Committee Challenge (available on-line at; Who knows, that parent may be the next committee chair!

Where can I find more information about training (other than on the council website) as well as what’s going on in my district?

Attend your district’s monthly roundtable. Not only will you find out what’s happening in your district and our council but you’ll also get great ideas to use in your own unit as you network with other Scouters. Check the Mountain Echo for the date, time and location of your district roundtable.