It is the policy of the Mount Baker Council-Boy Scouts of America, a Washington Non Profit Corporation, that all Internet material, information, or web sites linked to, associated with, or utilizing the Mount Baker Council name or logos to be used on the Internet be approved by the Mount Baker Council through its Internet Subcommittee of the Technology Committee and conform to the guidelines set forth by the members of said Internet Subcommittee.
The Guidelines of the Internet Subcommittee must be followed before a link will be given to any Pack, Troop, Team, Post, District, Camp, OA Lodge, Committee or any other not mentioned web site and will only then be considered part of the Official Mount Baker Council Web Site.
The Mount Baker Council understands as the Internet matures, the rules set forth by the Internet Subcommittee may need changing to accommodate unforeseen situations as they arise. Therefore, the Guidelines set forth by the Internet Subcommittee may change upon review of the Guidelines by the Internet Subcommittee which is subject to approval by the Mount Baker Council’s Technology Committee.
Guidelines Last Modified on: 10/1/1999
Mount Baker Council Internet Guidelines
Article I
- Last names, last initials or any identifying information about youth members shall not be published on the web without parent’s signed approval. Names and information about any adult shall be published only with the written approval of that individual.
- Pictures of youth may not appear on the web without parental signed permission, and no name or other personal information is associated with the picture(s).
- Under no circumstances shall the address, personal phone number or email address of any youth be published on the Internet.
- Phone numbers of adult members may only be published with written permission.
- Email addresses may be published, with the permission of the holder, if worthwhile benefit to the program would be achieved.
- Under no circumstances shall the address, personal phone number or email address of any youth or member be, including, but not limited to, reused, purchased, sold, or transmitted, for purposes other than the benefit of Boy Scouting. We respect fellow scouts, scouters and members privacy!
Be Prepared by Being Aware, Let’s Keep Our Kids Safe!
Article II
- National’s Policy on Commercialism states “A site cannot contain any advertisements or commercial endorsements what-so-ever if the council is to have a link placed upon their page.” The Mount Baker Council has determined that most first time visitors of the Mount Baker Council web site will be using a search engine or the actual URL, weeb address), and not linking through National’s site. Furthermore, the Mount Baker Council feels this would be self defeating in the attempt to defray costs and to recognize FOS contributors. With this said, it does not mean we are offering endorsements whatsoever.
- This is not to be misconstrued as permission being granted to any unit, district, post, lodge,or site to be involved in any type of relationship of commercial nature nor may units, districts, posts, or lodges give endorsement to any business, corporation, commercial agency, or individual, unless duly authorized by the National Executive Board.
- The Scouting Logo may not be used on any product, flier, or advertisement in any way as to resemble that Boy Scouts is sponsoring said commercial product or company.
- No Commercial Links or Links outside of the Mount Baker Council are allowed on any Mount Baker Council approved web pages, UNLESS an approved disclaimer is placed between each link prior to departing the site..
- No Commercial Logos or Advertising is allowed on any Mount Baker Council approved web pages. Browser and reader logos/links are acceptable as long as no one specific type is suggestively preferred over the other.
- Council’s guidelines on how to place a THANK YOU to your Internet Provider or Sponsor for donated web space.
It can be done in such a manner that it is still effective without the use of their company logos or endorsing their businesses. Place a footer on your web page:
Internet Provider’s Name-Address-Phone #
Site donated by / hosted by
Internet Provider’s Name-Address-Phone #
In small (10pt or 12pt) text at the bottom of your web page
NOT A LINK, TEXT ONLY, NO LOGOS- (Text Information set in a Graphic is OK)
- We would further suggest that a site does not use a provider like GEO Cities or AOL because they WILL target advertisements to your page. Remember a site is not free if the provider uses your page for advertising their product or services. Units should seek community support from their local neighbor/area provider if possible.
Article III
- The ability to use a hypertext link to connect your site to other sites is what makes it the “Web.” You have no control over who places links to your Web page. A person in any country can place a link right to your unit/districts front door for anyone who reads his page. You could do the same, pointing electronically, anywhere. On the other hand, your placement of links ‘downstream” could cause you embarrassment-since you never know what files you may be linked to from that point on. National’s concern is that your scout unit’s web page may be just 2 clicks away from in appropriate web sites or Adult XXX Rated Material.
- Mount Baker Council Guidelines state that your unit/district web site will not link to any sites other the Mount Baker Council Site and The BSA National Web Site unless a disclaimer is used. See Article II, paragraph 4.
- Properly implemented as outlined in the download instructions, and using the most current disclaimer, will satisfy link requirements.
- If your unit/district wishes to have a link on the Mount Baker Council Site pointing to your units web pages, you must comply with the councils Disclaimer Guideline / Policy on your web pages.
- Although we have a “No Links” Guideline / Policy for units, districts, post web sites, we understand the importance of links to outside sites dedicated entirely to scouting and other helpful information. These types of links to scouting related sites can not have a hot or direct link on any Mount Baker Council approved sites. You can however add the URL (address) to your page as a site to visit for good information.
- If your unit/district, post wishes to have a link on the Mount Baker Council Site pointing to your web site, you must comply with the councils “No Links” Guideline / Policy on your web pages.
- Council’s guidelines on how to place a THANK YOU to your Internet Provider or Sponsor for donated web space are as follows;
It can be done in such a manner that it is still effective without the use of their company logos or endorsing their businesses. Place a footer on your web page:
Internet Provider’s Name-Address-Phone #
Site donated by / hosted by
Internet Provider’s Name-Address-Phone #
In small (10pt or 12pt) text at the bottom of your web page
NOT A LINK, TEXT ONLY, NO LOGOS- (Text Information set in a Graphic is OK)
Article IV
- The Boy Scouts of America shall not, through its governing body or through any of its officers, the chartered councils, or members, involve the Scouting movement in any question of a political character. However, this shall not be interpreted to prevent the teaching of the ideals of patriotism and good citizenship as required in fulfilling the Boy Scouts of America’s purpose. This policy shall also not limit the freedom of thought or action of any official or member as an individual.
- Basically this means leave our political opinion out of the mix, let’s teach our children about the facts of our government. Make your political stands out of the Scouting arena whether at a scouting function or in the web pages. No political stands will be tolerated in Mount Baker Council web sites.
Article V
- Basically any one can build and post a web site.
- The big question is “Does your Unit or District know you have built a web site in their name, and are representing them?”
- The proper route to becoming a Unit or District Webmaster is to contact the Unit or District Committee chairman about your offer. Just offer your services to build their web site and don’t forget to get input from all committee members in your Unit or District. The site should not just be one persons’ opinion it should be a reflection of the unit or district.
- After a letter of intent, explaining the purpose of the website, and the proposed webmaster(s) is signed and turned in, FTP instructions will be sent to that Council Committee’s or District’s Webmaster. All council committees’ or districts’ web sites, since they are a direct part of council, shall be maintained on the same server under the direction and authority of the Mount Baker Council Technology Committee. This is for the protection of the Mount Baker Council and a security measure ensuring the correct type of information is being placed on the web page(s).
- Council Committee or District Sites not on this server shall not be considered Official and shall not be linked to the Council Site. We also ask that the same look and feel be used for District and Council Committee Sites as they are a direct part of the Mount Baker Council Web Site.
- Site building for a Scouting Site should remain simple and contain good information. Our job is to make current correct information available to the Scouting Public, no matter what browser they are using. Not so many bells and whistles, but just good page construction.
- Frames can be used. You must offer a non-framed option for those who need it. This can be done easily by adding a link on all of your pages directing the visitor to the non- framed version of your site’s default page. Design it so that when selected, it brings the non-frames page to the top of the browser’s window OR the link pops up a new browser for viewing your non-frames page.
- All home pages MUST contain a hyperlink back to the Mount Baker Council homepage ( prominently displayed. There is only one official Mount Baker Council home page. All sites claiming to represent the council in its entirety will be addressed by the Mount Baker Council Executive Board’s Legal Committee. All approved web pages must clearly identify the unit that it represents and a contact person with e-mail address for comments.
- These guidelines must be followed for the unit [i.e. pack, troop, post, district, and lodge] to have a link established from the Mount Baker Council’s Web Site to the unit’s home page.
- Council approved status may be withdrawn by the Council Internet Subcommittee without notice for failure to comply with these rules.
Article VI
- The Internet Subcommittee, like other Council Committees, provides general oversight of this program. Members operating Internet sites are responsible for their content. The Council shall not be held liable for the contents of any web site whether or not such web site has obtained Council approved status. The Mount Baker Council shall not be held liable or responsible for any costs accrued, or damages incurred out of operation of any site.
- See Information on Terms of Use for detailed explanation.
- Be careful and monitor how you use sarcasm or humor on your page because your message may not be received in the spirit that it was meant.
- Check your spelling. A misspelled word can change the mood of the message.
- Observe grammar and rules of punctuation to the best of your ability.
- Do write in a non-opinioned format. Save the attitude for a different venue.
- Use of non-standard writing will hamper the ability and desire of others to receive the information you are sharing.
- Keep paragraphs short and succinct.
- Focus on one subject per message area.
- Separate subjects by lines or spaces. Just make sure the themes do not run together and confuse the viewer and convey incorrect information.
- Make sure calendars have correct information. If you are not sure… don’t post. Most would rather have no information and keep looking for it than the wrong information and miss the event.
A Good Motto for Scouting Web Design is
KISMIF (keep it simple make it fun)
Bet you ol’ Cub Scouters already knew that!
Mount Baker Council
Technology Committee