
Chapters are the building blocks of the lodge. They are the geographic counterpart of Council districts, and they implement the various aspects of the lodge program at the local level such as providing quality unit visits for camping promotion and unit elections. They also keep members engaged with the Order of the Arrow and lodge program throughout the year by holding monthly meetings and activities and providing support for district events.

Sikhs Mox Lamonti Lodge has three chapters. Click on the headers below to visit each chapter’s web page.

Lushootseed Chapter

Salish Sea District, serving the Everett, Edmonds, and Mukilteo School Districts

Sikhs Klone-Chuck Chapter

Pilchuck District, serving North and East Snohomish County, Camano Island, and Skykomish

Tsele Chapter

North Cascades District, serving Whatcom, Skagit, and San Juan Counties and Whidbey Island

Chapter Leadership and Organization

Chapter officers are elected by youth members of the chapter and oversee all chapter events and operations and are responsible for carrying out the lodge program at the local level. Each chapter also has a volunteer adult adviser.

Chapter Chief: The chapter chief is a youth Arrowman, elected by the youth members of his/her chapter for a one-year term. He/she leads chapter activities, presides over chapter business meetings, and ensures that the chapter completes all tasks assigned by the lodge leadership.

Chapter Adviser: The chapter adviser is an adult volunteer, appointed by the lodge adviser and council executive. The adviser’s role is to oversee and advise the chapter chief while working over a longer term to maintain a consistent program as youth leaders change.

District Director: The BSA district executive is an employee of the Mount Baker Council BSA and serves as the chapter staff adviser. As a Scouting professional, the district executive plays many roles in oversight of chapter activities and acts as a link between the chapter and district.