About Sikhs Mox Lamonti Lodge

Sikhs Mox Lamonti Lodge #338 is the Order of the Arrow lodge chartered to the Mount Baker Council and serves Scouting in Whatcom, San Juan, Island, Skagit and Snohomish Counties in Washington State, extending from the Canadian border to the northern suburbs of Seattle.

About the Order of the Arrow

The mission of the Order of the Arrow is to achieve the mission of Scouting America through transformative fellowship that ignites limitless Scouting journeys.

As Scouting’s National Honor Society, our purpose is to:

  • Recognize those who exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives and, through that recognition, cause others to act in the same way.
  • Reinforce a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others.
  • Create and deliver peer-led, adult-guided, advanced leadership experiences for Scouts and Scouters that positively impact their unit, community, and ultimately our nation.
  • Be an integral part of Scouting America and encourage participation in all it offers through unites, outdoor adventures, and national events to further the Scouting experience.
Organization and Structure

The Order of the Arrow has three distinct organizational levels: lodges, sections, and regions. Lodges carry out the Order of the Arrow program at the local level and are closely tied with BSA councils. Sections consist of several lodges within a geographic area and regions, in turn, consist of sections that span half the country. Lodges, sections, and regions each have a distinct set of responsibilities that ensures that the OA program runs smoothly.


At the local level, lodges exist to serve BSA councils and individual units. Sikhs Mox Lamonti Lodge serves the Mount Baker Council. 

The key leaders in the lodge are the elected youth lodge chief, volunteer adult lodge adviser, and staff adviser (a Scouting professional). The lodge chief presides over the lodge executive committee, which is responsible for executing the annual program of the lodge. While each lodge is different, Sikhs Mox Lamonti Lodge has multiple vice chiefs and several committee chairs who are responsible for various aspects of the lodge’s program. Each lodge officer and committee chair is supported by a team of adult volunteer advisers.

Visit our Leadership page (linked below) for more information about our lodge officers and advisers.


Chapters are an organizational unit of the lodge and provide the ability to engage members year-round at the local level by providing meetings and events closer to home. The chapter is central to providing quality unit visits for camping promotions and unit elections. 

Sikhs Mox Lamonti Lodge consists of three chapters, each corresponding with one or more districts in the council. Each chapter has its own elected youth officers and an adult chapter adviser.

Visit our chapters page for more information about our chapters.


An Order of the Arrow section consists of lodges within a geographic area. Each section is led by a chief, vice chief, and secretary, who play a crucial part in supporting lodges within the section as well as planning an annual conclave. The section may lead training seminars, promote national programs of emphasis, and provide resources to local lodges. The section chief presides over the Council of Chiefs, attended by delegates of each member lodge. 

Sikhs Mox Lamonti Lodge is in Section G15, along with other western Washington and Alaska lodges.


The Order of the Arrow is organized in two geographic regions: the Eastern and Gateway regions. Each region is led by a youth region chief, a volunteer region chairman, and a professional region staff adviser. The key three are also supported by a region OA committee consisting of youth and adult volunteers. The region leadership team helps execute the national program on a more local level, implements the National Leadership Seminar (NLS) and Developing Youth Leadership Conference (DYLC), provides its member sections with resources and facilitates communication between local organizations and the national OA committee.

Sikhs Mox Lamonti Lodge is in the Gateway Region.


At the national level, the Order of the Arrow is governed by the National Order of the Arrow Committee. The national committee sets policy, directs the national program of the Order, and broadly manages the organization above the local lodge level. The committee is composed of the national chief and national vice chief (and their immediate predecessors), who are elected annually at the national planning meeting; the current and immediate past region chiefs; the volunteer chairman, who is appointed annually by the Chief Scout Executive; other volunteer members, as appointed by the chairman; and two staff members, the director of the Order of the Arrow and the associate director.

More Information

Lodge Leadership

Lodge Committees

Lodge History

Vigil Honor

Founders’ Award

Forktapus Award